Some affiliates make it very simple, affiliate links. Sure , there are some fraudulent tricks, on both sides, but it is manageable.
The ad networks are never interested in implementing any such thing, they only show how "configurable" their setrings are.
When asked where is the traffic coming from, "sorry,we cant disclose".which is funny, we would see later on anyway, right?
Then other networks provide you with a list upfront.
None or few of them have retargeting.
When asking them straight up "ok , you own my product, how would you use your network to generate conversions rather than impressions?" .It is all suddenly silent.
I have other,more qualified revenues, they are expensive but they deliver on cpa, else they are not paid.
But they are the dearest, of course, so my boss is considering alternative revenue channels, even though they are the very least specifc and totally useless. He is the one impressed by rhe config options, I try to assign most spend away from such.
We are speaking spending 5k on some impressions campaign with absolutelly zero sign up or first time depositors.
For this money, you can pay a youtuber with regularly 200k legit views and say 30k my product views to create 8-10 10 minute videos, qhich actually converts.