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They only except certain providers, so no Google phone, prepaid, etc.

> No prepaid

Great, so I will never play your game.

It's amazing how many oblivious, ultra consumer, pro- getting scammed, pro-monopoly, pro- proprietary protocol, people are on this so-called hacker forum. The policy you are asking for is literally one of the highest things I've ever seen that go against the hacker ethos. If you pay more than $10/mo for a smart phone in the US (prime audience of this site), you are getting scammed, no even then it's a scam as you're getting something only worth 0.001 cents.

I guess because what I wrote seemingly doesn’t agree with your viewpoint I am all of those things.

Not sure what the cell phone bit is about.

Being able to play competitive video games is not the hacker ethos. If you don’t want to comply with their rules that’s fine.

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