Vagrant still allows people to have deviating personal environments, which destroys productivity when people have to constantly diagnose what changes they have in their local env don't match other things. Vagrant+Docker is a decent compromise. Best is cloud-native development. If everyone [on a single team] SSH's into one box in the cloud with one set of dependencies, everyone gets the same environment every time, and updates go out to everyone immediately without fail. K8s has similar projects to let you develop in a pod on the actual cluster, eliminating difference between dev<->prod.
> Vagrant still allows people to have deviating personal environments,
So does docker the way many folk use it for their development. In fact, I saw in one place people set up env setups for their docker so each team member could have theirs the way they wanted it. Create a container and use forever. Very rarely in my experience are people completely rebuilding their env.