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Show HN: Automated insights from your Google Analytics (narrative.bi)
10 points by micrum on Sept 30, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Michael from Narrative BI is here.

The problem with Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 is that you have to be proactive to detect unexpected traffic fluctuations or get actionable insights.

So we built a solution that automatically generates reports, alerts, and narratives from your GA data.

You can connect your UA or GA4 account in a few clicks and Narrative BI and receive your reports and alerts via email or Slack.

Happy to answer your questions!

Great product, we have been using it for already a few month in our company. Lots of insights on the data. I would also love to see different time frames for the data comparison, i.e. compare week to week, or month to month, instead of having only day-to-day comparison.

Anyway, good luck!

Thanks for the feedback! We're actually working on a new capability that will allow you to adjust the comparison period for each data source.

Also, you can set up weekly and monthly reports so you will get the comparison for the corresponding periods.

Wow, thanks for sharing - will check the free plan

Can I pipe it to Zapier?

We don't have a public API yet, but you can schedule reports and alerts by email or send them to Slack.

I am curious what use case you have in mind?

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