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> Agreed; SD barely follows prompts at all.

I would heartily disagree - I've generated ~6.5k images using SD locally and most of them could be linked to the prompt they came from.

Doesn’t ‘most of them could be linked to the prompt they came from’ strike you as damning with faint praise?

> SD barely follows prompts at all.

> ...and most of them could be linked to the prompt they came from.

You made it sound as if there is almost no connection between the prompt and the images and zimpenfish said that the majority could be linked, implying a strong connection. He/she doesn't have to be praising it at all to counter your claim.

Not hugely - e.g. taking the 38 prompts including "a painting by William Adolphe Bouguereau" (which is easily the worst of the modifiers for me), 10 of them I'd say were "no clue to the prompt". For the 56 Munch images, 54 were good and 2 were quibbles ("an isopod as an angel" had no isopod but did have an angelic human - is that a pass or no?)

(Which is probably better than you'd get from a human given the exact same prompts.)

Have you seen a decent tutorial for setting up SD locally? I've been using it through huggingface, but that seems pretty limited.

You can find a number of different guides over at the stable diffusion subreddit, from CLI to GUIs in different flavors.


No, sorry, but there's a whole bunch of one-click things now, I think?

I'm running it on Windows 10 using (a modified version of) https://github.com/bfirsh/stable-diffusion.git and Anaconda to create the environment from their `environment.yaml` (all of which was done using the normal `cmd` shell). Then to use it, I activate that env from `cmd` and switch into cygwin `bash` to run the `txt2img.py` script (because it's easier to script, etc.)

[edit: probably helps that I already had a working VQGAN-CLIP setup which meant all the CUDA stuff was already there. For that I followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH7ZP0__FXs which covered the CUDA installation for VQGAN-CLIP.]

There's a 1-click installation for installing Stable Diffusion locally (Windows/Linux), doesn't require anything pre-installed - https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui#installation

Official repo is straightforward: https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion

Have to admit just started looking into it, mb there are better options

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