Seems you might be missing a key point - see, without transparent, open access to the source code, there is nothing easily found.
At a certain point, if a murderer keeps "losing" the murder weapon, you might consider the evidence you find to be that of criminal obstruction.
There is evidence that everything is more easily found when it's not hidden, obfuscated, or obstructed.
Sure. It is easier to throw an off the shelf analysis at source than worrying about binary decompilation with ghidra or whatever (well, for binaries - for bytecode it is almost exactly the same when given bytecode or source). But is this a meaningful difference? Real researchers, both academic and non-academic, do inspect open source code and report vulns they find. But this isn't actually actionable information from the perspective of a user who wants to make a risk assessment about their software choices. "Hey, you can run ${STATIC_TOOL} on this app" does not actually convert to "app is free from vulns." It just doesn't.
I love static analysis for vuln detection. I did my PhD on it. It remains my day job. It helps us find vulns. It doesn't actually convert us from unsafe software to safe software.