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When you're short, perhaps you should get into sailing: You can buy a much cheaper boat! When you're 190+cm (~6'3"+) most boats under 33 feet or so will not have enough headroom. At the same time, longer boats get exponentially more expensive.

Physical size and mass are helpful to keep the boat upright in strong winds. Just need to duck a bit more to not get hit by the boom.

I never thought of sailing as the perfect hobby for short people, except in boring weather conditions.

Maybe headroom for sleeping, not actually sailing as a sport?

I was thinking about keel yachts where you want to stand in the galley while cooking for example.

Are you in a manager position? Honest question.

> When you're short, perhaps you should get into sailing

What if you're only short on some weekdays; do you time-share a boat?

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