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Do you have to love programming beforehand to learn and become good at it?
3 points by newsoul on Sept 24, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
If someone is obsessed with car parts they can become a good mechanic if they choose to pursue it.

But isn't the other thing possible? Someone starts to learn about car parts by being a mechanic apprentice and then falls in love with it and learn more?

Many many people who are good at programming say that they loved the craft from when they were a kid and built projects in the home computer.

What if someone wasn't fortunate enough to have a computer at home? Is there anyone who learnt programming later in a course or in some other way just to see what this new thing is and then fell in love and eventually dived in?

What is your story?

I think the challenge is what lured many of us into programming. If you're challenged trying to solve a hard problem, it can keep you going. Once you accomplish it, you're hungry for another. As things become more demystified, however, I think the desire fades somewhat. I can't speak to learning to program later in life, but I imagine it would be the same.

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