How do you not have a credit card? It seems impossible and pretty inconvenient to pay cash for everything these days. In many large cities cashiers will look at you funny when you start taking out cash to pay, a lot of things are self checkout and only work with cards, not to mention no credit card makes online purchases a huge hassle.
I have a debit card that can be used as a cash backed CC. There's a daily limit on it but if you call in and let them know it's coming through it's not an issue. The last time I had to do that was to pay for emergency surgery for my cat.
In addition, my debit card is attached to an account I use specifically for said card, and generally speaking I only keep enough money in it to cover what I plan on using it for, this limits the amount of damage someone can do by stealing my CC, and I don't have overdraft protection on it to further limit my exposure.