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I would say it explicitly isn't the bottom type since it doesn't satisfy the Liskov substitution principle for any actual type due to null pointer exceptions unless you unreasonably axiomatize null checks into every single property any type may have.

Basically, you need to think of Java references as the tagged union of Void + the true type. But since nobody wants to discriminate and pattern match on every reference, most java code tries to either follow a convention of non-nullability + Optional, additional type annotations with static checks beside the compiler, or "trust me, I've done this a million times".

Lack of reified generics used to bother me. Than I started passing parameterized interfaces next to instances of that type parameter to access polymorphic "static" methods of the type. This allows for up stack dependency injection into the body of the method where you would want the reified generic type without being forced to extend the parameters of the method for every use case: that is, you get a much more flexible design this way.

> it doesn't satisfy the Liskov substitution principle

I haven't seen that principle applied so stringently before. Under a strict interpretation it wouldn't be allowed to override methods with any implementation that didn't have observably equivalent behavior.

> I started passing parameterized interfaces next to instances of that type parameter

This is just manual reification, and it's only skin deep. You still can't do List<Foo>[] because Java's builtin array types can't be polymorphic or extended with fields to store classes representing the reification.

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