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He explains it, and he's wrong.

Look, I understand your intuition wants you to remove duplicates "They are the same!". But you should resist, because doing that gives incorrect results.

On the contrary - I'm saying that 'removing the duplicates' is counterintuitive and that's why you're having trouble with it, the same as I did.

Besides: please re-read my original post - I didn't mention anything about removing duplicates, and in fact chose to explain the problem in a different way precisely because the duplicate removal thing was so difficult for me to grasp sufficiently to be able to explain it.

Ask yourself this: where does the original 28 come from? One of those 28 permutations appears to be 'Child 1 is Tuesday boy' and 'Child 1 is Tuesday girl'. If you can answer that then you should be able to understand the whole thing.

(edited for clarity)

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