First thing is: guys who post their own blogs are lame lame lame.
Second thing is: when you call it an exercise "hack" you already screwed up. The whole thing about getting in shape is that there is no quick hack. There is no short term solution. Getting in shape is not a hack. Getting in shape is a permanent lifestyle change. Otherwise you might as well just get some lipo and some buttcheek implants.
For those who care: you should get in shape, if you are an entrepreneur, for no other reason than because having a healthier body will also give you a sharper mind, quicker mental response time, increased alertness, and just all around better mood. Don't believe me? Just try this simple experiment: Go eat a salad and then try to solve a sudoku puzzle. Now go eat a pizza and a cheeseburger and then try to solve a sudoku puzzle.
No time? Check out this book called "High Intensity Training" by Mike Mentzer. He recommends short (20 min) workouts once a week, and as your body and nervous system becomes more trained and able to exert more of their maximal output in a workout, you have to take longer and longer breaks (like 2 weeks in between workouts) for your body to recover.
> guys who post their own blogs are lame lame lame.
totally disagree. If you wrote something that may be interesting to an audience, why not post it? Gaming the voting system is lame, but posting your own stuff is no big deal.
Anyway, my book recommendation is always "Infinite Intensity" by the excellent Ross Enamait: . The marketing is cheesy, and the writing's not that of a pulitzer prize winner, but the attitude is right and the workouts are great. He gives the appropriate research findings so that you can go read for yourself if you want.
I disagree as well. If the post is lame or not interesting it won't be upvoted unless you have a legion of "gamers" at your disposal. The vast majority do not, unless you put PG, facebook, or google in the title :).
Especially for new blogs, how are people supposed to know about them and submit the posts in the first place? I would have been annoyed if it had taken me much longer to find out about Sid Savara's blog (he's self submitted a few times).
Second thing is: when you call it an exercise "hack" you already screwed up. The whole thing about getting in shape is that there is no quick hack. There is no short term solution. Getting in shape is not a hack. Getting in shape is a permanent lifestyle change. Otherwise you might as well just get some lipo and some buttcheek implants.
For those who care: you should get in shape, if you are an entrepreneur, for no other reason than because having a healthier body will also give you a sharper mind, quicker mental response time, increased alertness, and just all around better mood. Don't believe me? Just try this simple experiment: Go eat a salad and then try to solve a sudoku puzzle. Now go eat a pizza and a cheeseburger and then try to solve a sudoku puzzle.
No time? Check out this book called "High Intensity Training" by Mike Mentzer. He recommends short (20 min) workouts once a week, and as your body and nervous system becomes more trained and able to exert more of their maximal output in a workout, you have to take longer and longer breaks (like 2 weeks in between workouts) for your body to recover.