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Land and Liberty to Build: On Georgism and YIMBYism (progressandpoverty.substack.com)
7 points by geocon on Sept 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I had assumed Georgism implied Yimby-ism, and that therefore identifying as purely YIMBY basically meant rejecting ,or at best being unaware of, Georgism which means that "YIMBYs are just feckless shills for the real estate lobby" would be true, and I'm not sure this article changed my mind on that topic.

Pretty neat article about the synthesis of Georgism and YIMBYism- without YIMBYism, Georgism can't be complete in its opposition to monopolistic economic restrictions; without Georgism, YIMBYism ends up as a giveaway to land speculators rather than a spur to further development.

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