There is such a thing a social capital that you have to spend wisely on real important things. Else, you'll lose trust and you can't play that card again
The wolf is already at work. Just go hiking in the Alps and look at the extend of the glaciers, take a look at the raining/snowing patterns over the past 50 years, everwhere you look you can see the effects.
You can call it what you want, but anyway if we want to live long term on this planet we need to reach an equilibrium with our environment. We definitely can't achieve this by pumping oil and gas out and burning it.
Glaciers have been melting in the north since the last ice age though. It may go faster now than it did 100 years ago, but with or without more CO2, glaciers were going to disappear many places.
In the very long term, and even then it was uncertain as the planet would be on a cooling trend right now. Even then, we’re talking about “glaciers might disappear in 10 000 years” versus “80% of alpine glaciers will be gone in a century”.
It's speculative so who knows. But northern Europe was covered fully by ice 12000 years ago. There has definitely been more melting since then, than what is left.
There is such a thing a social capital that you have to spend wisely on real important things. Else, you'll lose trust and you can't play that card again