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Zelda, Metal Gear, Wizardry, Faxanadu, Rygar, Ys, Mother/Earth Bound. The list goes on and on. The element of revisiting previous stages/locations to unlock portions you couldn't access earlier on was a basic ingredient of old adventure games.

Well, not so fast.

https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rygar -- genre: metroidvania

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faxanadu -- wiki categories include metroidvania. style: "like castlevania".

The thing you're also missing is that a {castle,metroid}vania is a 2D side-scroller, so Zelda, Metal Gear, and friends are not.

This kind of "umm actually" stuff is boring.

> https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rygar -- genre: metroidvania

Spanish wikipedia, while English wikipedia says something else. Did you hunt with Google until you found some lone source citing it as "Metroidvania" just to try get a point across?

> This kind of "umm actually" stuff is boring.

Yet you dug deep into it.

I live in a Spanish-speaking country, so Google defaults to Spanish Wikipedia. I forgot to change it to English like I did with my second link for the HN crowd. But you are incorrect yet again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rygar ctrl-f "Metroidvania"

My point is that you create a lot of noise when your "corrections" aren't actually correct. It's basically nerd sniping to be wrong on the internet, especially about games.

Yes, I'm contributing to the noise. But I'm correct, so it's okay according to unwritten HN guidelines.

> Did you hunt with Google until you found some lone source citing it as "Metroidvania" just to try get a point across?

Or maybe he's just Spanish

In the spirit of "umm, ackshually", their username does start with "hombre"...

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