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Twitter filing shows Musk slowed deal on WW3 concerns [pdf] (documentcloud.org)
4 points by camjohnson26 on Sept 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Why? Twitter will do great in WW3 - can't you imagine all the people live-tweeting the end of the world?

Since Musk is the Richest Man in the World, and therefore privy to information you and I can only dream of obtaining, I think we should probably take his WW3 concerns very seriously! This might be the only warning ordinary folks like us get.

- You must return to office, like everybody else!

- I am concerned about WW3 and need to be near my family in case we have to evacuate asap.

- Ok, let's meet half-way. How'bout you come back to office when Elon and Twitter conclude this thing?

- Hm, no. Not until Ukraine and Russia cease fire and sign agreement, and then it needs to be ratified by UNSC. So, yeah, WFH until further notice.

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