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I don't know why you're getting downvoted but this is totally correct.

Which is why I don't like the Buddhist idea of getting rid of all materialistic attachments.

If you get rid of materialistic attachments you also get rid of meaning. And while it's true, things don't mean anything in an abstract universal sense....

Human beings live in a human world not in some void in space and meaning is important to us and can give us great happiness and joy.

Obviously life means something to all of us because we're still breathing every single day and most of us wish to continue to do so.

Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.

After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.

Buddhism (as I imperfectly understand it) is not about getting rid of materialistic attachments. It’s realizing materialistic attachments are the source of suffering.

The world remains. What you do within it is up to you.

This is a common misconception about Buddhism - that non-attachment leads to Nihilism.

Here's a good overview of how the concepts of "acceptance" and "non-attachment" can be compatible with leading a meaningful and fulfilling life: https://zenstudiespodcast.com/zenacceptance/

>If you get rid of materialistic attachments you also get rid of meaning.

Materialistic attachments are the only things in which you find meaning? Damn.

I don't think you're going to make it.


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