I just went to airbnb.nl with my NL VPN active (I’m a US resident that was previously searching from airbnb.com) and sure enough the map prices show the actual price with all taxes and fees included when you visit airbnb.nl with a Dutch VPN active, unlike the American site. It also shows the price with all fees included if you visit airbnb.nl from the United States with no VPN active.
Interestingly, if you visit with the Dutch VPN active but instead on airbnb.com, you also see the price with everything included on the map regardless of whether the map search you are doing is in the NL or the USA. But if you visit airbnb.com from the USA without VPN and search for a destination in NL (or USA, but that might be obvious) you don’t get prices with fees included.
So it appears that AirBnB checks for either originating IP in NL or visiting via airbnb.nl to determine the behavior as of the time of this post. This is actually a great trick for me to learn as a States resident for when I want to browse AirBnB’s - I can just turn on my Dutch VPN for actual, non bullshit pricing on the map.