Idk, I went to a lot of restaurant that had frog legs in their menu. On the other hand I had snails only once.
But I think "traditional" french restaurant are not that common anymore in anycase. My city is full of restaurant from all over the world or thematic restaurant, only an handful of "classic" french restaurant (and its not a bad thing, I love the variety).
Frogs are a protected specie in france: you can catch some for personal "use" but there are quotas. So all the frogs you eat in restaurants come from elsewhere in europe. Could explain the evolution. Also i'm not sure it's something "typically french", i'd definitely categorize it as region-dependent (eg from the Dombes near Lyon). Btw for frog fishing you need no hook but just a small piece of fabric, had some fun making a couple fly when a kid, see
Only place I've eaten frog was in Cambodia. First time, at a street vendor, it was delicious. Second time, at a hotel buffet, it made me sick as a dog.
Now that I think of it, I remember that when I was a kid (40 years ago), occasionally my mother would cook snail/frogs. Snails more than frogs actually. Maybe it's one of these traditions that we're losing.