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My post on why I use a Chromebox went viral on Hacker News (paoloamoroso.com)
3 points by jethronethro on Sept 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

In the original post the author said "As for software, I use mostly web apps and they work great on chromeOS as this is the use case the platform was designed for."

Is this a machine with which you make your living? If so, what is it you do that allows you to do all of your computing with a ChromeOS device?

I'm not sure why the author of that post felt the need to write a follow up. Using ChromeOS is his choice. It might not mesh with the choices of others, but so what? We're all different and have different needs. Just because ChromeOS isn't what you (and I mean the more general you and not the person who submitted this to HN) or I would use doesn't make it the wrong choice for the author of the post.

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