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How much are you selling for? What’s the price? How is it determined?

My power bill is opaque, but its something like buy/sell for $0.31 per kWh off peak and $0.39 on peak. Peak is 4-10pm.

I have no idea how it is determined.

So you're already heavily subsidized by legislation. Power plant operators sell electricity for something like $0.05/kWh on average, which is 15-20% of what you're getting for it. They'd love to be able to sell it for $.30/kWh. The power company also would love to not have to lose a whole lot of money on buying extremely expensive electricity from you. Nevertheless, you're the one getting a sweet deal here, and you need to thank legislators for subsidizing people who can afford to install residential solar.

I'm not complaining about the free money that they send me.

I'm complaining because they set the incentives wrong, and the incentives control the (closed source) battery software's policy. Therefore, the equipment I bought is offsetting way less carbon than it could.

Now, multiply that waste by the number of home batteries in California.

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