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The coolest thing I ever made (pythonpackages.com)
48 points by aclark on Nov 24, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

May I suggest downplaying the downloads stat? I'm assuming you get this from summing up the downloads on pypi but it only sort-of correlates with usage. Many people with pip/virtualenv will download the same packages over and over as they redeploy. It also tends to favor old projects.

I think a better metric for popularity would be a blend of activity in the source code repos, activity on mailing lists, wikis, blog postings etc. I liked djangopackages' use of a "I use this" metric because it helped me make comparisons across github and bitbucket. Much harder to gather but much more useful.

Edit: Also another issue with downloads can be seen with something like the Requests library. It has 40k downloads. Is that a lot? What do you compare it to? For me the important questions are: are people moving to it or away from it? Is it active or not? How popular is it in comparison to other libraries that do similar things?

Good luck on this project. It seems like a good start.

Thanks for the feedback! It's true: the downloads number is, by itself, fairly meaningless (as I try to touch on here: http://pythonpackages.com/about). But I like the tongue-in-cheek aspect of it e.g. "My package has been downloaded X times!" The site started off being called "vanity" for this reason.

As for djangopackages.com stats (now called django.opencomparison.org), I plan to integrate with it via their API. So I'm sure I'll be able to display the number of "I use this" and other useful stats.

I would love to include project activity in stackparts too. Sadly APIs are not always forthcoming.

What are you looking for? Both PyPI and opencomparison have decent offerings IMO

Yes, of course. I meant for non-python projects.

OK I switched the focus to "favorites" instead of "downloads", does that help?

That's interesting, I think this could help me become more familiar with which packages are popular or rising in the Python world. For a developer who's generally out of the loop such as myself, that's great.

Taking bug reports?

I checked out mysqldb. It properly took me to a page with the correct capitalization, which indicates it found the package in some way: http://pythonpackages.com/pypi/mysqldb?entry=1

However, the 'View on PyPI' link goes to http://pypi.python.org/pypi/MySQLdb which is a broken link. While the module is called MySQLdb, the package is called MySQL-python, and so page is at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/MySQL-python/

Not sure how you can work that out, but hope this helps.

Thanks! That's an interesting edge case I need to think about.

Cool site. You should really put overflow: hidden to .sidebar.

Man, we should really start to use a few different themes for bootstrap, all new sites are starting to look alike... a lot!

Done, thanks! Twitter bootstrap is awesome. I don't even care that it looks like all the other bootstrap sites. (Same thing happened with Plone 10 years ago.)

Looks especially like http://opencomparison.org/ :D

Hah! Yeah I just noticed that after the fact, even though I've been to that site numerous times :-\

It seems I was not the only one to say ``antigravity''.


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