Agreed, these posts from Dockyard have been really low quality. Dockyard makes some awesome stuff generally, so I'm surprised at how shallow and marketing-speak these have been.
That said I'm really excited for this and the other projects. Looking forward to some more technical dives.
Speaking as the lead on the project, this is partially due to this weekend being ElixirConf, so things are hectic, but you can also blame me, as I probably should have written this post, but didn’t make the time as I was pretty heads down on the lead up to the conference.
I’ll make sure to do a follow up post in the near future that is more in depth
Thank you for all the follow up posts on this thread... It strikes me they're probably taking up as much, if not more, time just in the clarifications!
That said I'm really excited for this and the other projects. Looking forward to some more technical dives.