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The greencard doesn't really matter except for making it simpler to get a tax ID for your new company in the US. but its not really a hurdle or benefit or factor, since non-greencard non-citizens can be tax persons to the US, which is really the most complex part.

The holding company is just for limited liability, as well as being incorporated domestically in the US simply makes it more familiar for banks and the target companies to work with.

So should you? I think everyone should, just for the consolidating and separation of assets. Being able to transport a name and address that's not yours. (ie. you can be in Miami partying all the time, while your super serious Delaware holding company has the super serious Silicon Valley office address and upholds the stoic investing brand)

The US doesn't have those specific tax benefits for doing it, but there are many others, which may be enhanced by the holding company, but not necessarily.

Interesting, thanks for your comment. The question is then if the US will also tax my German holding company even if I don't withdraw any money from it to my personal account. If the US also taxes my holding company as if it were my personal income then there is no point in setting up a holding company for which I have to fly to Germany to make the signature ;)

okay the jurisdiction of the holding company wasn't clear

there are many permutations and variants that you aren't considering, you should contact a US CPA or US tax attorney, that has experience in international tax issues

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