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Emails show White House asking Twitter, Facebook to remove specific “misinfo” (twitter.com/eric_schmitt)
8 points by TechBro8615 on Sept 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Besides the heated topic I don't see anything wrong. Am I missing something? I especially see nothing about asking FB or twitter to remove anything, besides a fake profile impersonating a government official so the title is at least misleading.

It's unclear why the post used this tweet to describe the event. Much more popular is the Zuckerberg interview (with Joe Rogan, I think) talking about warnings of 'disinformation' days before the Hunter Biden laptop story came out. The implication being that they (the FBI in that case, IIRC) were themselves seeding disinformation to discredit stories injurious to then-candidate Biden.

We had discussions about the FBI/Hunter story on HN so I don't really see how your post is relevant to the topic at hand? These are to totally seperate events...

Stop trying to make Hunter Biden's laptop happen. It isn't going to happen.

as an aside, it's interesting to note that nothing in Schmitt's twitter bio nor his website would let you know he's a Republican. Only the usual "rah rah democrats=bad" stuff in his twitter feed let you know what party he's with.

Can you expand on this point? Personally, as an individual, I would consider it prudent not to advertise such things. Eric, as a politician, can be held to different standards, but, equally, I still see Twitter not as a platform for campaigns, although it is increasingly being used that way. He does have has a Wikipedia page, a website and an entry on Ballotpedia as well detailing his political behavior; it's not that it's hidden per-se.

It just seems odd that a political candidate would not make ANY overt connection to their political party, ESPECIALLY on their own website. And I'd posit that most folks won't go to Ballotpedia.

Yeah, I hate it when I accidentally agree with a MAGA Republican. Either you’ve got pronouns in your bio or I’m discarding your opinion until I can be sure you’re not an insurrectionist.

Yeah, that's totally what just happened.

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