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Diablo Canyon is in an absolutely beautiful part of the central coast of California. Definitely visit the greater San Luis Obispo area. Californians want it all (green and plentiful), but lack the basics to make that happen (coalfire supplemented with wind and solar plus overloaded grids -- see what happens this weekend with FlexAlerts already called).

Nuclear should be considered. I don't know how to make them perfectly safe and their have been incidents where unfortunate accidents occur, but newer technology and designs might make our society able to have their cake and eat it too.

> I don't know how to make them perfectly safe and their have been incidents where unfortunate accidents occur

The issue I have with this argument is that if we don't dramatically reduce CO2 emissions far, far more people are going to die from climate change than nuclear might kill.

Plus, as another commenter already mentioned, the amount of deaths coal is responsible for is 470x higher than nuclear from air pollution alone. We accept these deaths for coal but somehow have a problem with a much smaller number of deaths from nuclear in the theoretical case of a massive incident. I'm not saying there's an acceptable number of deaths to just live with but pragmatically speaking I'll gladly take the proven option that kills orders of magnitudes fewer people than the status quo is already doing.

> Compared with nuclear power, coal is responsible for five times as many worker deaths from accidents, 470 times as many deaths due to air pollution among members of the public, and more than 1,000 times as many cases of serious illness, according to a study of the health effects of electricity generation in Europe.

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/nuclear-power-is-saf...

Coal kills more people every year than nuclear ever has.

In a vast country like ours I'd expect the government to be able to find cheap secluded places (in states such as NV?) where new reactors can be built. And then rich states such as CA buy the electricity from them. And probably invest into building them too.

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