> I'm okay if Cloudflare decides to terminate one or two of the biggest, most important harassment sites using their platform per year—doing something is better than doing nothing.
I'm sorry, I'd only ever heard of Kiwifarms yesterday. I am also okay with that, but I do genuinely believe there will always be a next one. People forget they made the exact same comments before caving on 8chan and the Daily Stormer. As these incidents get closer together I predict we're reaching that 1-2 site a year rate. If I can backpeddle a little on my parent comment, I far less care about any of these specific websites than the implications of Cloudflare not giving the big "We hate to do this" speech beforehand.
I'm sorry, I'd only ever heard of Kiwifarms yesterday. I am also okay with that, but I do genuinely believe there will always be a next one. People forget they made the exact same comments before caving on 8chan and the Daily Stormer. As these incidents get closer together I predict we're reaching that 1-2 site a year rate. If I can backpeddle a little on my parent comment, I far less care about any of these specific websites than the implications of Cloudflare not giving the big "We hate to do this" speech beforehand.