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Hmm, I am a LIWEST customer myself, but libgen.is is not blocked for me - so are they really blocking IP adresses? I am using as my DNS.

Edit: Okay i tried a few links now - many show a „this domain is for sale“ page, while some work - so I dunno what to do with that…

The IP addresses on the bottom of the list are blocked. For instance you can check a host which only has a single blocked IP on and you won't be able to navigate to it. For instance preis-zone.com or www.skodacommunity.de are fully unavailable right now since both the IPs on that domain are blocked ( and when resolved from Austria.

Some cloudflare worker page are also not loading correctly. A reply I got on twitter pointed out that you cannot load urbanarrow.com from Austria properly (for me it gets stuck after language selection).

Also you are more likely to see failures if you are only using IPv4 as some hosts also answer to IPv6.

Energie AG here, nothing seems blocked for me.

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