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VS Code Dev Containers: A repository of development container definitions (github.com/microsoft)
41 points by thunderbong on Aug 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

VSCode dev containers seem to have a lot of potential but I've found the documentation and official examples severely lacking if you want to do anything beyond simply booting a container. There are nice things like the way a devcontainer can symlink the contents of your 'dotfiles' repository into place as .bashrc, .git, etc, but I couldn't find this behaviour detailed in relation to devcontainers (it's a vscode Container extension feature) and found it by accident having spent too long trying to work out exactly how to achieve this functionality. It's also not well-described but on a windows host with linux container it seems the best setup for disk performance is to have the project with .devcontainer located in a WSL2 vm and launch the devcontainer from within WSL2. It's a bit tricky if you don't want to use Ubuntu as MS seems entirely oriented around Ubuntu as the preferred container platform and all examples and useful scripts which launch ssd, etc, assume Ubuntu.

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