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Are Sanctions on Russia Working? (economist.com)
13 points by 0xChain on Aug 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

As the article said in this conflict the military, technological and financial elements are intertwined. It is not clear that Russia is losing on either front currently. They are not winning either, at best it's a stalemate. What is clear however is that tens of millions of people in Europe are facing energy bills they can't afford and brownouts. This winter will be nothing sort of a humanitarian catastrophe. A recession is also likely, but the concept of recession, the macro numbers themselves won't paint an accurate picture because of inequality. What will likely happen is that millions of people will find themselves outside of the economy, without significantly affecting the macro numbers, so the situation is going to be worst in reality than on paper, but those who aren't affected simply won't care.

This is a sad and needless war Russia is forcing on us, but the truth is that they are already at the bottom and don't stand to lose as much as we do.

The bright side is that Europe can come out of this stronger, but only with adequate policies that don't leave people behind.

Some countries only have 6% Russian gas imports. Other countries are diversifying and it will be forever.

Russian oil will be cut off immediately/more easily. The disaster for Russia is that natural resource profits will plummit and the tech industry will be no more.

Perhaps this is what Putin wants, similar as in Chechnya/Syria (eg. For cheap military forces).

Clock is ticking for Russia, 4 years to build LNG terminals. That's not a lot of time.

The share of renewables is currently around 25% in Europe, and the target is 45% by 2030. My fear is that we will end up leaving tens of millions behind, condemning them to a life without energy security, since it won't make sense economically to build all this new infrastructure in many places.

Russia on the other hand with it's unlimited energy can figure out how to get it to countries like China and India. If you have energy you have everything, because it's a seller's market, and the world is a much bigger place than just the countries participating in the sanctions. At the end of the day there is no replacing the energy density, storability and price of fossil fuels. They will likely remain the primary driver of growth for developing countries that can't afford anything else.

No they can't.

The gas sources to Asia are different from the pipelines to Europe. Additionally, Russia doesn't nearly have enough ships to replace a decent part of the deliveries to Europe.

Additionally, they will definitely pay a lot less.

There are reports of burning gas in some russian sources.this is because shutting down costs more money that resume operation and burning gas.

Not just that. If it's oil, there's a risk they can't restart production.

It is something about closing the "well" and pressure in it.

Sorry, i forgot to mention it explicitly.

Russia has two pipelinenetworks. One for asia and one for europe. The european only delivers a fraction but the asian works. The problem is that europe was a major buyer and there is no connection between the asia and europes pipelines. Plzs the two pipelines would require years of work to connect.

> The disaster for Russia is that natural resource profits will plummit

For oil and gas, AFAIK, rising prices for now more than compensate for decreased exports.

(Can’t find newer info than https://energyandcleanair.org/publication/russian-fossil-exp..., though, and that’s 2½ months old)

I'm talking about long term consequences.

Not the short term ones.

It's not that bad as you paint it. Sure there will be inflation and rising electricity prices but there is a lot of money poured into the system already. You can see the accumulated wealth all around you (at least in Ireland). People will have to learn to tighten the belt a little bit and not eat outside all the time nor buy the latest iPhone. We will survive.

Should I invest in coffin makers or do you have financial advice as bad as this hot take.

The trends in the funeral services industry is that there are only a handful of publicly traded companies and they keep grabbing bigger and bigger slices of the pie. The pie is not growing as fast as it used to be due to price transparency (due to regulation and the Amazon effect), competition and changing attitudes toward cremation, but it is growing, and it is a lucrative long-term investment, one that makes sense even (or some would say especially) in a bear market. The chain-store economy only recently started slamming the family-owned businesses in this industry, so there are definitely opportunities.

As always this is not a financial advice.


You mean the Russian propaganda that there wouldn't be a war right now with Ukraine capitulating to the Russian aggression. Unfortunately for you and Germany back in 1939 this is not how it works. The European people and it's descendants don't just roll over when tyranny knocks. Sorry, not sorry. Most of us would gave up a limb or two before letting some ghoulish dictator tell us how to live.

I've never understood this argument. I don't see how American prompted or forced anything on Europe, let alone Ukraine.

I'm European and I don't agree that the Americans are doing anything wrong in this specific case. If anything the Americans are doing a better job of fighting the attacker than we are.


And your are very prone to propaganda. One side walks back on a contract and calls us europoors, the other side invades us and bombs us cities. This should be clear cut, but morons like you are very confused.

I'm not confused, i read history, i respect its timeline, and i do not take shortcuts

I read and analyze both sides

ESA will give up Ariane and use SpaceX, again, that should ring bells ;)

You're not having this conversation in good faith. You keep distracting from the fact that Russia is the attacker. SpaceX doesnt matter here.

What's a little bombing and annexation compared to shitposts on Reddit?

Lol right. These people blow my mind, seriously.

I think there's a huge number of people who are doing badly in life or something and just wanna see the destruction of society.

It's either that or they're ideologically driven. This is the same person who was arguing for "getting rid of money and wealthy"[1]. I have noticed that in the eyes of communists, Russia can do no bad. In my own country, the leader of the communist party has refused to condemn Russia's invasion. Food for thought.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32610396

> Russia is the attacker.

The attacker of what?

It is one of the biggest conflict since World War II with as many as 10,000 Ukrainian civilians killed, the same amount of soldiers. While indiscriminately killing, raping, torturing and kidnapping people Russia have lost at least 20,000 soldiers. These are conservative estimates.

Russia is committing the gravest crimes in Ukraine. It already sent and keeps sending tens of thousands of young men to their early grave, for absolutely nothing. Hundreds of thousands of people either dead, wounded or traumatized, for absolutely nothing. The future of millions is being pissed away, for absolutely nothing.

War is terrible, i agree, we seen it when the US killed and raped civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq

But you only describe the effect of war, not the cause of that particular event

Let me educate you a little bit, the US lied to the world, they promised they'd never expend NATO in Europe, they want Ukraine to join NATO and become the N'th american military base, Russia went ahead and made sure it wouldn't happen since Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe [1], went silence radio

Should i remind you who is Zelenskyy, or you already know?

[1] - https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-...

> Let me educate you a little bit, the US lied to the world, they promised they'd never expend NATO in Europe, they want Ukraine to join NATO and become the N'th american military base, Russia went ahead and made sure it wouldn't happen since Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe [1], went silence radio

You're just repeating Russian talking points. None of what you said is actually true. Russia was part of the signatories (basically they were asked if they were ok, and they OK'd it) for the formation of NATO, and that agreement didn't have any clauses on expansion. This is a fact in writing that anyone can verify. Did you know this?

As a separate matter, Putin claims Russia was promised NATO would not expand. There's two problems with this story. First is, does anyone believe that a smart guy like Putin would just take a verbal promise and not get it in writing? I wouldn't take verbal promises if I was just buying a car, let alone deciding on the future of my country. Second problem is that Gorbachev who was actually physically present, said that no such promise was ever made to Russia.

So stop spreading lies.

> Let me educate you a little bit, the US lied to the world, they promised they'd never expend NATO in Europe, they want Ukraine to join NATO and become the N'th american military base, Russia went ahead and made sure it wouldn't happen since Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe [1], went silence radio

This is not true and even the Russian prime minister at the time has said so, but regardless what does NATO have to do with Ukraine? Ukraine is not in NATO and was years even decades away from even potentially joining.

And even if Ukraine was joining NATO it doesn't excuse Russias genocide of Ukrainians nor it was flagrant war crimes in Ukraine.

And it's not like that (non existent) promise mattered anyway, because Sweden and Finland have both joined NATO with no invasion.

Perhaps the invasion is more related to the oil and gas fields discovered in Ukraine that would threaten Russias hold on the European market?.

Go away cucurbitaceous troll. Gorbaciov himself said there was no such promise.

Why would i go away, it's warm over here, i can feel the heat, it's building up, the end is near, everything will be okay

The sanctions are working beautifully. The only catch is that they're working better against the sanctioners than against the sanctioned.

Putin: from Nero to Zero

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