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Ask HN: What are modern alternatives for cURL?
4 points by punkpeye on Aug 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I am handcrafting increasingly more adhoc HTTP requests that I need to sometimes re-use.

The way I do it now is just by writing cURL that I keep in a notebook. However, I was wondering if there are more advanced CLI based HTTP clients I should consider that make it easier to inspect request/response?

PostMan's the standard, in my experience. But if you use VSCode, I recommend Thunder Client instead. It's more or less identical to PostMan, but integrated into VSCode as an extension, which is nice if you're already spending a lot of time in that IDE anyway.

I am sure it is great, but it feels so overwhelming! I tried it a few times and I just get lost in it

Heard newman mentioned couple times in previous job few months back. Didn’t use it, description looks fair enough, but requires postman to some extent

Postman is a pretty good GUI application for making advanced, weird, complicated queries and saving them for later.

httpie is what people use on the command line as far as I know.

Personally, I prefer using Postman or ThunderClient. They're bloated but featureful.

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