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For just the hosting, maybe. But there's so much more Heroku does, from spinning up test environments for PRs to storing secret keys (across different repos) to being a CI to monitoring to... so so much more.

> from spinning up test environments for PRs

Hooking up some kind of CI/CD to GitHub through webhooks

> storing secret keys

Built into GitHub (or an instance of Hashicorp Vault which can be hosted for free)

> to monitoring

Can run your own Grafana/Promtheus

Obviously there's a cost running all of this yourself as opposed to just paying them to do it. Just making sure I wasn't missing something obvious tradeoff wise between "our company would rather pay somebody to manage all of this for us"

I think you just proved my point, no? I don't want to do any of this; I want to pay someone to do it.

Yeah of course you can do it all by yourself. You just need a server online.

Services like Herokus are useful because they save hundreds of hours of sysops.

> Services like Herokus are useful because they save hundreds of hours of sysops.

Which they know, and can charge you accordingly for, right?

If a single sysop engineer cost $100k/yr (without anybody managing them), they can charge you $50k/yr to replace them and it'd still be a steal, right?

Assuming they have no competition, yes. But now they're not just competing with sysops, they're also completing with a bunch of other app platforms. None of the others are quite as full featured, but if the competitors can save 80% of the sysops time at 20% of the cost, Heroku will see people switching away.

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