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Given that Heroku is killing their free tier because of "fraud and abuse" I'm pretty ok with Fly requiring a CC for their free tier. Requiring a legit CC has to cut that by a substantial amount, I'd think.

Yes, this. We (Fly.io) get a lot of abuse from users with stolen credit cards, too. But credit cards are the most useful anti-fraud tool we have.

When we've relaxed the credit card restriction (like on https://fly.io/launch/livebook), it gets "exploited" within about 48 hours.

This sucks and we hate compromising the experience for legit users. We _want_ people to run their side projects on Fly.io without paying us money. The credit card gate makes this happen less.

Are you using Stripe's fraud protection, MaxMind's tools, or something else to detect card fraud?

Stripe for CC fraud. That part of Stripe has been great.

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