For all those who are practically demanding this be turned over to them, here's a quote from a recent article (about Telegram):
Filing a charge is pointless, says Ezra. Since two years, she's being harassed on Telegram. It started when she was sixteen: photoshopped nudes with her snapchat account were circulated. They had taken selfies from her social media, and those of her family, and combined them with porn fragments. She doesn't know the perpetrator, but that person takes a lot of trouble to ruin her. "Nowadays, the boys have so many ways to make it look real." [1]
If you read that, and think all these tools should be released, you're part of the problem.
> If you read that, and think all these tools should be released, you're part of the problem.
Such comments make me wonder whether a social credit system is actually a good idea. Yes, it can be abused to deny my rights, but how can it be worse than being assumed to be a sexual predator by default?
Nobody assumes that. But if you give it away to literally everybody that asks for it, you'd be worse than naive to assume that nobody is going to abuse it.
But your comment makes it sound as if you'd rather give up your rights than not have access to this system. I don't think it's that interesting, is it?
Filing a charge is pointless, says Ezra. Since two years, she's being harassed on Telegram. It started when she was sixteen: photoshopped nudes with her snapchat account were circulated. They had taken selfies from her social media, and those of her family, and combined them with porn fragments. She doesn't know the perpetrator, but that person takes a lot of trouble to ruin her. "Nowadays, the boys have so many ways to make it look real." [1]
If you read that, and think all these tools should be released, you're part of the problem.
[1] de Groene Amsterdammer,146/33, p. 21.