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fortran77 on Aug 24, 2022 | hide | past | favorite

The claim is based on a budget model https://budgetmodel.wharton.upenn.edu/issues/2022/8/23/forgi... but the numbers are based on 10 years. I tried reading up on the executive order but I think it's only 1 time (this year/now?), not over 10 years. Also, if it was over 10 years then the cost per taxpayer would be $200/year (most people think of tax as annual payment).

So basically, this is written to convince people who don't want to look closely at the assumptions.

...compared to a cost of $2171 per taxpayer to fund the US military in 2021 - https://www.statista.com/statistics/203090/defense-expenditu...

Student debt costs more than $10,000 per indebted student. Why not wring your hands over farm subsidies or fossil fuel subsidies or black-box military spending.

Newsflash: Rich conservatives who read the National Review and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps by being born to wealthy parents think student debt relief is a bad idea. In other news, water is still wet.

Every dollar spent on student loan relief is a dollar that could have gone to support those who don’t get the opportunity to go to college

- Lawrence Summers

Ok Larry. Two can play that game. Every dollar spent on corn ethanol subsidies is a dollar that could have gone to support those who don’t get the opportunity to go to college

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