I think what is making these companies move towards other options is their bottom line - if they don't have to spend on fuel, why should they? (By the way a lot of what I've seen for the generation so far is in stuff like power-generating "sails" which are really interesting, so maybe not even relying on land sources)
This isn't good for their bottom line. The efficiency of batteries is comparable to shipping oil at best, and electricity is rather expensive while shipping oil is almost free.
Shipping oil is filthy, dirty, hard to use. To a good approximation one wants it. To a better approximation no one on land can use it because if its high S content precludes it from being used on land (illegal and you need something that can deal with high Sulphuric acid)
Its a byproduct of the refinery that only shipping can use (they can and do burn straight diesel too). It is really very cheap. [1]
Ban it, if you must. But without market shenanigans itll never be cheaper to use a massive battery.
[1] without looking at the price, I wouldn't be surprised if its currently gone up in price. In Europe right now anyone who can burn it on shore is eyeing it and the EU has suspended many environment regulation. But thats a blip; once Germany's economy collapses the EU's energy needs will be much smaller