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What did you use for the SD card solution?

I wrote a small script to keep checking if the SD card is mounted and if a certain key file exists in the SD card.

This script is auto-started before my gnome Login screen.

Couldn't someone: a) physically remove your hard drive b) mount it in a different machine c) find your SD checking script d) figure out what key file you're checking for e) write that key file to a new SD card (or otherwise circumvent the check)

This assumes that your HD isn't fully encrypted, in which case you'd be pretty well protected. It does sound like a nifty way to auto-logout quickly though...

The HD is fully encrypted and the system does not only check if a file exists, but if the file in the SD card contains specific key, which is not stored in the system, but it's my own encryption implementation for the key so I'm not certain how secure it is.

a) Yes they can. b) Of course they can do that if the HD is not encrypted or the encryption is broken. c) Yes they can do that, but why would they do it if they already broke the hard drive encryption? They could just delete the script. d) Well yes surely they could do this.

Anyway my only goal implementing the SD card shutdown was to secure the system from friends who want to invade my privacy and thief's. Basically I can do auto login to my admin account and if the SD card is not mounted it shut downs.

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