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Well said, I had no words- this is literally a thread about them doing just that.

Also not just killing but making worse like the Nvidia Shield.

How are there still googlw apologists?

Interestingly enough, if you look at threads like this, the comments almost always boil down to "pro-Stadia" versus "anti-Google" sentiments.

Not to make more generalizations, but I think you'll find that people that like Stadia like it because they actually like the Stadia product (surprise!) -- and people that hate on Stadia often do so because they have other issues with the company behind it.

Sure, Google might shut down Stadia someday. That'd be unfortunate but not too unexpected. In the meantime, I'm pretty sure enjoying a product that's been around for years and shows no indication that it'll go away any time soon doesn't make you an apologist for the megacorp behind that product.

I have no problem with people liking stadia. I'm against cloud gaming because of its own issues. I am against google because of its owm issues.

I'm sure one could be pro stadia/cloud gaming and still be cognizant of the garbage google pulls.

I am glad you are enjoying stadia, and I truly hope it'll be one of the services that survive, maybe it'll improve cloud gaming issues to the point I'd be on board.

But the op was in here touting google rarely closes paid offerings, ignoring they dont have many paid offerings and those are every bit at risk of being 'googled' like all their other services.

Google's own track record is every reason for me to put zero trust in them.

OP said nothing of the sort. All they did was list some (substantial) differences between the comparisons. They certainly might feel that way, but there's not enough in their post to conclude that.

> How are there still googlw apologists?

It's not Google apologizism to state the obvious that Stadia is getting money and time thrown at it to this very day, so it's unlikely that it will get killed soon, and pointing out the difference with the majority of the killed products which were usually on maintenance mode for prolonged periods of time before being killed (IoT Core included), not to mention in 99% of cases, free.

Stadia has the best UX by far of all cloud gaming platforms. It needs Google to show long term commitment by signing a few more big third party deals, and improving hardware and thus stream quality. Without that it will languish as a niche, with it it could get successful.

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