I think maybe part of the problem is that for idealogical reasons people lump a lot of things together and call it "capitalism" like the invention of calculus or the steam engine, but those are really separate things. They like to just put anything useful that people do and label it "capitalism" even though communist and other non-capitalist countries have created a lot of science. I don't know a lot about eastern financial structures. What I meant was the way that everything in Europe after a certain point becomes financed with debt, which then has to be paid back with interest, and you get these huge amounts of money owed by everyone, creating this requirement to expand or die, and you see all these expeditions launching and pillaging the rest of the world, and you see the commons privatized and the people living on agriculture are forced into the cities where they are packed together and put to work 16 hours a day, and all of it is to service debts that are instantly flipped around and used as collateral to obtain more debt, and so on. It's sort of a monster that has to grow or die, so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know.