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> Even foreigners from friendly nations can obtain a permit and carry, not even the USA doesn’t do it.

People admitted under ESTA can legally possess a firearm (state law still applies). The 2nd amendment rights are the same for Green Card holders as they are for U.S. citizens, and for everyone else there’s the hunting permit loophole.

What do you mean, even the USA doesn’t do it?

In Czech Republic you need to take an exam on weapons law, which you must take in Czech.

You are definitely right about this (many of my green-card friends have multiple weapons), and of course you're right about state law.

I think what parent post was saying is that in Czech Republic (national not state level), foreigners can not only obtain firearms, but also carry (presumably concealed), which as I'm guessing you also know varies widely from state to state, and here in California from county to county.

Of course I'm mind-reading here, I could be totally wrong.

When my brother-in-law and his son come visit from Switzerland they love to go shooting. In fact they get bored with my stuff and rent things with more punch (e.g. .338 Lapua). We visited a friend of mine in TX, and the things you can rent there (e.g. .50 BMG), we've only heard myths of those in CA, no one's actually ever seen one.

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