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Soundness Error in BrainSTARK (aszepieniec.github.io)
7 points by aszepieniec on Aug 12, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Worth noting is that this solution does not constrain the memory value of the last execution trace if the execution trace ends with a `>` or a `<`. Since this value cannot be output, you could argue that that's OK.

Building sound and complete STARKs are really an intricate affair! I have no doubt that we'll eventually get there though!

Unfortunately this can add some overhead to the memory table though. I wonder if there's a better solution than the one proposed here. Not that it matters for Brainfuck too much, as it's a toy language, but it would be very relevant for bigger STARK VMs.

It turns out there is an attack on the BrainSTARK proof system [1]. The tutorial was extended to explain and fix the attack.

[1]: https://aszepieniec.github.io/stark-brainfuck/

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