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SFSafariViewController is available as a safer alternative. Presumably at some point apple will deprecate and remove WKWebView for precisely the reasons mentioned in this article.

I don’t think they’ll ever remove that, because a decent portion of apps serve HTML from the app bundle (many hybrid apps do nothing else infact) and SFSafariController can’t hide its chrome. Many hybrid apps do need the delegation methods WKWebView offers, which are already way more limited than UIWebView was.

This is a policy problem, not a technical one. They'll keep WKWebView around but only for non-browsing purpose. Anything that resembles a web browser, SFSafariController or rejection.

That policy was recently hinted at here: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=trjs0tcd

But it hasn’t been enforced yet for big apps like Yelp and Instagram.

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