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Big Tech Is Spending Lots of Money to Make Antitrust Reform Seem Scary (bloomberg.com)
42 points by 0xmohit on Aug 8, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

And why wouldn’t they - obviously in their best interests.

Similar situation with what is probably the largest propaganda effort in the history of the world (in my opinion): Wall Street and corporations using their News assets (MSNBC, CNN, etc.) to push the big lie about how alternative political parties are so bad. Actually the history of this, starting with President Roosevelt’s Herculean effort against alternative political parties is fascinating stuff!

Yeah, it's always really amusing that the HN crowd so readily gobbles up anti-trust propoganda while in the same breadth will bemoan the size and power of FAANGs. It's seems really easy to just get trapped in that mindset (I feel like I may even get some anti-union comments responding to this comment)

Well, we can think X is bad without thinking X should be against the law.

This is precisely the type of comment I was referring too, where the average HN reader has ingrained negative views of unionization, almost always stemming from weird online propaganda that is very difficult to pin to a source (I recall reddit having a lot of anti-collective sentiment). It almost doesn't matter if unions are legal/illegal once the average worker has been poison pilled with a negative perception of them though, because they are implicitly based on worker's trust

Regulations exist to prevent people and corporations for things we think are bad and harmful

There are many cases against increasing the number of 'significant' political parties. One is that from a game theory point of view, the increased number of political parties actually makes it easier to maintain a de-facto one-party system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Logic_of_Political_Surviva...

We already have a defacto one party system in the US

And legacy media is spilling a lot of ink to make it sounds like a good idea...

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