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Musk challenges Twitter CEO to public debate on bots (reuters.com)
6 points by darkteflon on Aug 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

What a mix of vision/delusion, focus/unfocus this guy has.

$44B Twitter acquisition will go to the record as the most expensive manic episode in the history of business.

>Earlier on Saturday, Musk said that if Twitter could provide its method of sampling 100 accounts and how it confirmed that the accounts are real, his deal to buy the company should proceed on its original terms.

Such a weak and bad faith argument and the number of bots it not even legally relevant (his lawyers have different argument)

They sample 100 accounts per day for 3 months (n=9000). These samples are checked by humans. Everybody who knows anything about statistics (including Musk) and conducting experiments knows that the this sample size is more than large enough to determine if Twitter has less than 5% bots even if Twitter had infinite amount of accounts.

This fucking guy.

I don't mind billionaires whining -- it's what they do.

But I am surprised to see this fluff reported on the wire. Maybe it's always been there but doesn't usually make it to HN?

Seriously, this fcuking, narcissist, egoistic, market-manipulating, fcking guy!..

Well, given that it is musk, I propose he debates the bots in stead.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

This is down to the courts now. Everything else is irrelevant.

Bare knuckle fight maybe?

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