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DIY Home Router with NixOS (jjpdev.com)
3 points by euroclydon on Aug 5, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Very nice. I did this myself earlier this summer with NixOS + PC Engines APU2. Costed ~320 USD.

Having a serial connection when tinkering with network config was absolutely crucial for me.

I did it yesterday with an apu2e5. I'll continue tinckering today.

Sources: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/do-you-use-nixos-on-your-route...

Nice! I wrote about my experience as well in case it's useful, https://skogsbrus.xyz/blog/2022/06/12/router

It's a bit long, but the title sections should let you skip to the interesting bits.

Here's the latest code as well: https://github.com/skogsbrus/os

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