But yet certain people have seemingly perfect privacy, like Satoshi Nakamoto and Jeffrey Epstein's employers. How?
I now realize a lot of people on HN are hard liners when it comes to privacy and think there's only absolute privacy and no privacy.
I think you all forget that not all information is the same. You can keep private channels open "just in case" while using public ones.
You can also enhance your privacy to a degree better than most people with simple, easy-to-do steps.
Anyway, the "all or nothing" mindset is detrimental to your cause and makes the average person feel like it's not worth it.
But yet certain people have seemingly perfect privacy, like Satoshi Nakamoto and Jeffrey Epstein's employers. How?
I now realize a lot of people on HN are hard liners when it comes to privacy and think there's only absolute privacy and no privacy.
I think you all forget that not all information is the same. You can keep private channels open "just in case" while using public ones.
You can also enhance your privacy to a degree better than most people with simple, easy-to-do steps.
Anyway, the "all or nothing" mindset is detrimental to your cause and makes the average person feel like it's not worth it.