Because you've said so. You're advocating people make structured effort to gather information from outside their filter bubble (the current thing, used to be called a 'silo'), a reasonable idea.
But the first example you offer for how you go about doing that to differentiate your inputs from HN is a laughably poor knockoff of /pol/. At least /pol/acks make effortposts on a regular basis, there are vigorous contests of ideas, and much that is funny as well as offensive, or that cleverly combines the two. I can think of many other news/political communities and channels that have a right, far right, or outright fascist bias, but offer substantive content of some kind.
What's anyone going to get from this lowest-common-denominator forum? It's like you asserted the need to develop a strong immune system and followed up by eating food off the sidewalk.
But the first example you offer for how you go about doing that to differentiate your inputs from HN is a laughably poor knockoff of /pol/. At least /pol/acks make effortposts on a regular basis, there are vigorous contests of ideas, and much that is funny as well as offensive, or that cleverly combines the two. I can think of many other news/political communities and channels that have a right, far right, or outright fascist bias, but offer substantive content of some kind.
What's anyone going to get from this lowest-common-denominator forum? It's like you asserted the need to develop a strong immune system and followed up by eating food off the sidewalk.