FWIW repo2docker installs everything listed in /install.R or /.binder/install.R. I'll just cc this here because of the integration potential:
> repo2docker fetches a repository (from GitHub, GitLab, Zenodo, Figshare, Dataverse installations, a Git repository or a local directory) and builds a container image in which the code can be executed. The image build process is based on the [#REES] configuration files found in the repository.
"#REES #ReproducibleExecutionEnvironmentSpecification" config files that repo2docker will build a container from at least one of:
requirements.txt # Pip
environment.yml # Conda (mamba)
postBuild # run during build
start # run in ENTRYPOINT
> repo2docker fetches a repository (from GitHub, GitLab, Zenodo, Figshare, Dataverse installations, a Git repository or a local directory) and builds a container image in which the code can be executed. The image build process is based on the [#REES] configuration files found in the repository.
Docs: https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
jupyter-book/.binder/requirements.txt: https://github.com/executablebooks/jupyter-book/blob/master/... "#REES #ReproducibleExecutionEnvironmentSpecification" config files that repo2docker will build a container from at least one of: requirements.txt # Pip environment.yml # Conda (mamba) Pipfile install.R postBuild # run during build start # run in ENTRYPOINT runtime.txt Dockerfilehttps://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_files.ht...
repo2jupyterlite (WASM) sure would be useful for presentations, too.