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I used to rip the audio of my favourite movies and listen to them like audiobooks. Because I was usally familiar with the visual parts, I could enjoy the dialogue and the music in a different way.

I frequently 'watch' TV Shows and movies by just listening to them. It's a habit I picked up as a kid since I was blind.

That's a very fun idea. I'll give this a try with my favorite movie. Thanks!

Update: In case someone is curious, I wrote up the steps necessary to do that with an MKV and ffmpeg: https://blog.notmyhostna.me/posts/listening-to-a-movie-as-an...

I have always wished Netflix, maybe just for my favorite downloadable titles, allowed for an audio-only option so as not to drain my battery or when I'm out for a walk.

probably not legal, but this sites been around for a long while: https://www.listentoamovie.com/media/index.php

Obviously, I only saw this after slinging obscure FFmpeg commands for half an hour to extract a DTS audio track from a mkv and converting it to a flac file.

Update: In case someone is curious, I wrote up the steps necessary to do that with an MKV and ffmpeg: https://blog.notmyhostna.me/posts/listening-to-a-movie-as-an...

I tried making a podcast of narrated Let's Plays. There are similar YouTube channels if one doesn't mind listening with the screen off or out of sight.

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