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Just trying to discourage people from making lazy stereotypes. Not sure what you're doing. It's cool that you clicked my profile to find where I live, though. Or weird? I dunno.


Let's be more specific than "weird": you're being belligerent and using the personally identifying information you can gather about someone to accost them on a tech forum.


>In general, looking up where someone lives to attach a threat of violence (ie - Russian tanks in $your_city) would be considered a threat.

No, it wouldn't.

Similarly, when someone says "What if it were your child?" , that isn't a threat -- it's a request for a change in perspective.

The idea is to impress upon the reader that they're not any safer than the victim; rather that they got lucky to be unaffected and should consider the positions and perspectives of the victims when coming to a judgement of the situation.

> In general, looking up where someone lives to attach a threat of violence (ie - Russian tanks in $your_city) would be considered a threat.

I don't think Don was trying to imply that he's in command of a Russian tank battalion.

(there is a thing to contemplate)

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